
Fantasy Cricket Games are legal in India, these games are categorised as the game of skills as it involves skill factors such as knowledge, expertise, judgement, strategy and understanding.

The law in these Seven states- SIKKIM, ASSAM, ODISHA, TELANGANA, NAGALAND AND ANDHRA PRADESH, proclaims that any game of mixed chance and skill cannot be played for any real money. therefore for the residents of these five states Fantasy games are not available for real money. Above all, in-depth thinking and pre-requisite knowledge about the game is the main factor responsible for the overall popularity of Fantasy Cricket in India. You need to apply all the permutation and combination to defeat your opponent. it is a misconception that Fantasy Cricket is gambling or betting and is illegal in India. It is 100% legal to play Fantasy cricket in India.


The game of skills such as the fantasy sports are considered to be legal all over India. expect certain states such as Sikkim, Assam, Odisha, Telangana and Nagaland. The Public Gambling Act, 1867 (“PGA, 1867”) is recognized as the primary legality driving the prevalence of gambling in India.

The PGA defines the act of “public gambling” and the keeping of a common gaming house as a criminal and punishable act in India. However, the fantasy sports games are considered to be an exception under the PGA, wherein the provisions and punishments of PGA shall not be applicable to games played by the user using their skills and knowledge as primary tools.


There are various states in India wherein the laws related to the game of skills are unclear. In this regard, for the websites offering fantasy sports it remains unclear whether to offer the services for free or not. The Indian states with no clearance regarding the offering of pay-to-play contests include Sikkim, Assam, Odisha, Telangana and , Nagaland.

In this context, High Score does not permit the users identified as the residents of SIKKIM, ASSAM, ODISHA, TELANGANA AND NAGALAND, ANDHRA PRADESH to participate in the pay-to-play contest(s) organized by High Score.

Note - This game involves an element of financial risk and may be addictive. Please play responsibly at your own risk. This game is applicable for people 18+ only.


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High Score