#Jeeto Ji Bharke!

India's Leading Fantasy Sport App, You are Cricket Lover?

Join us & Grow your cricket Love

High Score is new concept to play fantasy cricket in India. Let's try something new thinks in fantasy cricket. Play & Win up to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x and 10x.

High Score
High Score
High Score
High Score

Whose player will score more runs will be the winner of the contest

Our contest is something like this

  • 1 to 1 Contest(2 Participants) - Distribute 1-1 Player to each Participants
  • 1 to Many Contest(4 Participants) - Distribute 1-1 Player to each Participants
  • 1 to Many Contest(6 Participants) - Distribute 1-1 Player to each Participants
  • 1 to Many Contest(8 Participants) - Distribute 1-1 Player to each Participants
  • 1 to Many Contest(10 Participants) - Distribute 1-1 Player to each Participants

Unlimited Contest

There is no limit to the number of contests that can be played in one match

Only One Winner

You join any contest, the winner will be any one user. Your winning amount will not be shared with anyone.

Random Player Distribution

In any contest, the user cannot choose a player as per his wish, as soon as the contest is full, random players will be given to all the users.

No Choice

The choice of the player has not been given to the user because the fun of this game is that it is not known who will get which player. Your player is like your luck.

User Friendly UI

Daily Winning App

Privacy Protected

Realtime Update

High Score

Most Probably You Are Getting Best App Ever

We were thinking of doing something new in the world of fantasy apps, then we came across a new idea which is not there in any fantasy app till now. Something new, something different - If you want to play games where there are more chances of winning than losing, then join us today.

  • Announce Unique Concept In Fantasy App

    Now if you want to try something new in fantasy app, then join us today and enjoy the real joy of cricket.

  • One Player enough to Win Contest

    Now there is no need of 11 players to win, your 1 player is enough.


Why is High Score most popular?

What makes High Score so interesting in cricket fantasy? Why has it become so popular with cricket lovers? Here are some reasons for the ever-growing popularity of our fantasy cricket platform.

Budget-friendly Contest

High Score contest start from just Rs 100. The beauty of this app is that there is very less possibility of continuous loss.

One to One Contest

One to one contest means total 2 users can join in this contest, out of which one will win. There are more chances of winning here.

One to Many Contest

One to many contest means 4 users, 6 users, 8 users, and 10 users can play in group, out of which one will winner. Here the winner gets 4x, 6x, 8x and 10x of the contest join amount.

Instant Withdrawals

Enjoy instant cash withdrawals after winning every contest. Just one click to raise withdrawal request and get amount into your account instant.

Instant Refund

If any match is abandoned without single ball then our system automatically refunds your contest amount immediately into your wallet.

Fully Automation

Player distribution random automation, refund automation, wallet automation, contest automation, winner automation, notification automation.


Beautifully Crafted All App Screenshots

How to Play?
High Score
How to Get Bonus?
High Score
How to Deposit?
High Score
How to Withdraw?
High Score
When money is Refund?
High Score
How to view All Transaction?
High Score
How to view Contest History?
High Score
How to Delete My Account?
High Score

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Let's try India's New Fantasy App, Download App From Play Store

Instant free download from play store, just log in with your mail account and play contest with 10M+ users. India's first fantasy app that offer to make your money 2x, 4x, 6x,8x and 10x.

High Score
High Score

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